20 void (*entry)(
void *arg);
39 void (*entry)(
void *arg),
result_t trn_thread_cancel_synchronization(trn_thread_t *thread)
Cancels synchronization on a thread.
handle_t thread_h
Thread handle.
Definition: types.h:39
result_t trn_thread_join(trn_thread_t *thread, int64_t timeout)
Waits for the given thread to exit.
uint32_t result_t
Function result.
Definition: types.h:51
result_t trn_thread_start(trn_thread_t *thread)
Starts the given thread.
void trn_thread_destroy(trn_thread_t *thread)
Destroys a thread. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that a living thread is not destroyed...
result_t trn_thread_create(trn_thread_t *thread, void(*entry)(void *arg), void *arg, uint32_t priority, int32_t processor_id, size_t stack_size, void *stack_bottom)
Creates a new thread.