trn | |
  as | |
   Reservation | |
  ipc | |
   client | |
    ArgPack | |
    TransactionFormat | |
    AccessorHelper | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InRaw< T > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutRaw< T > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::copy > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::move > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::copy, Extra...> > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::move, Extra...> > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InObject< T > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutObject< T > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::Buffer< T, type > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InPid > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutPid > | |
    FormatMutator | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InRaw< T > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutRaw< T > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::copy > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::move > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::copy, Extra...> > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::move, Extra...> > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InObject< T > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutObject< T > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::Buffer< T, type, expected_size > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InPid > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutPid > | |
    FormatBuilder | |
    FormatBuilder< ArgPack< Arg0, Args...> > | |
    FormatBuilder< ArgPack<> > | |
    Object | |
   server | |
    Object | |
    IPCServer | |
    ArgPack | |
    TransactionFormat | |
    AccessorHelper | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InRaw< T > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutRaw< T > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::copy > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::move > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::copy > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::move > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutObject< T > & > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::Buffer< T, type, expected_size > > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::InPid > | |
    AccessorHelper< ipc::OutPid > | |
    FormatMutator | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutObject< T > & > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InRaw< T > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutRaw< T > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::copy > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InHandle< T, ipc::move > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::copy > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutHandle< T, ipc::move > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::Buffer< T, type, expected_size > > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::InPid > | |
    FormatMutator< ipc::OutPid > | |
    FormatBuilder | |
    FormatBuilder< ArgPack< Arg0, Args...> > | |
    FormatBuilder< ArgPack<> > | |
    RequestHandler | |
    RequestHandler< Func > | |
   Message | |
   InObject | |
   OutObject | |
   InRaw | |
   OutRaw | |
   copy | |
   move | |
   InHandle | |
   InHandle< handle_t, Transfer > | |
   OutHandle | |
   OutHandle< handle_t, Transfer > | |
   Buffer | |
   InPid | |
   OutPid | |
  service | |
   usb | |
    ds | |
     DS | |
     Interface | |
     Endpoint | |
   HID | |
   SM | |
  svc | |
   MemoryMapping | |
  ResultCode | |
  ResultError | |
  KObject | |
  KWaitable | |
  KSharedMemory | |
  KTransferMemory | |
  KPort | |
  KProcess | |
  KEvent | |
  KWEvent | |
  KDebug | |
  KResourceLimit | |
  WaitHandle | |
  Waiter | |
 __attribute__ | |
 _usb_speed_info_t | |
 addrinfo_fixed | |
 audio_output_buffer_t | This struct is sent over IPC and must look exactly like this |
 audio_output_t | Audio output |
 binder_t | Represents a remote interface |
 blob_file | |
 compositor_timing_t | Description here.. |
 debug_event_info_t | |
 display_t | Represents a physical display |
 Elf64_Dyn | |
 Elf64_Ehdr | |
 Elf64_Phdr | |
 Elf64_Rel | |
 Elf64_Rela | |
 Elf64_Sym | |
 fence_t | Represents conditions for the completion of an asynchronous graphics operation |
 file | |
 flat_binder_object_t | Binder object as included in a Parcel |
 frame_event_history_delta_t | ToDo: maybe someday actually implement this |
 gpu_buffer_t | Buffer to be used for various GPU functions |
 gpu_fence_t | |
 graphic_buffer_t | Graphics buffer |
 hid_controller_color_t | |
 hid_controller_state_entry_t | |
 hid_controller_state_t | |
 hid_controller_t | |
 hid_keyboard_t | |
 hid_mac | |
 hid_mouse_t | |
 hid_shared_memory_t | |
 hid_touch_data_entry_t | |
 hid_touch_entry_t | |
 hid_touchscreen_t | |
 idirectoryentry | |
 igbp_t | IGraphicBufferProducer object |
 ipc_buffer_t | Buffer for transfer over IPC |
 ipc_domain_t | Represents an IPC object domain |
 ipc_message_t | Describes an incoming IPC message. Used as an intermediate during unpacking |
 ipc_multi_session_node_t | |
 ipc_multi_session_t | A wrapper around a session that will clone it for use from multiple threads when necessary |
 ipc_object_t | Represents either an object within an IPC domain or a standalone object |
 ipc_request_fmt_t | Describes format expectations for an incoming IPC request |
 ipc_request_t | Represents an unmarshalled outgoing IPC request |
 ipc_response_fmt_t | Describes format expectations for an incoming IPC response |
 ipc_response_t | Represents an unmarshalled outgoing IPC response |
 ipc_server_domain_t | Represents the server side of an IPC object domain |
 ipc_server_object_t | Represents the server side of an IPC object |
 ipc_server_port_t | |
 ipc_server_session_t | |
 ipc_server_t | |
 ld_loader_t | |
 loader_config_entry_t | |
 loader_config_service_override_t | |
 loader_config_t | |
 module_header_t | |
 module_input_t | |
 module_list_node_t | |
 module_t | |
 nvhost_ioc_ctrl_event_wait_args | |
 nvhost_ioc_ctrl_syncpt_wait_args | |
 nvhost_ioctl_ctrl_event_wait_args | Arguments to wait on a syncpt event |
 nvhost_ioctl_ctrl_syncpt_wait_args | Arguments to wait on a syncpt |
 nvmap_ioc_alloc_args | Memory allocation args structure for the nvmap object |
 nvmap_ioc_create_args | Args to create an nvmap object |
 nvmap_ioc_free_args | Memory freeing args structure for the nvmap object |
 nvmap_ioc_from_id_args | Args to get the handle to an existing nvmap object |
 nvmap_ioc_get_id_args | ID query args structure for an nvmap object |
 nvmap_ioc_param_args | Info query args structure for an nvmap object |
 parcel_t | Represents a parcel |
 queue_buffer_input_t | Parameters passed to queueBuffer |
 queue_buffer_output_t | Values received back from queueBuffer |
 rect_t | A simple rectangle |
 surface_t | A surface that can be drawn to |
 thread_context_t | |
 tls | |
 trn_condvar_t | |
 trn_dir_ops_t | |
 trn_dir_t | |
 trn_dirent_t | |
 trn_file_ops_t | |
 trn_file_t | |
 trn_fops_t | |
 trn_inode_ops_t | |
 trn_inode_t | |
 trn_list_head_t | |
 trn_result_description_t | |
 trn_thread_t | |
 twili_pipe_t | |
 usb_device_data_t | |
 usb_ds_endpoint_t | |
 usb_ds_interface_t | |
 usb_ds_report_entry_t | |
 usb_ds_report_t | |